People who participate in my HYGGE talks always end up asking two things
1. Is there a connection between Hygge and Danes being the Happiest people in the world?
2. If people are so happy, why are all the films and books coming out of Denmark so grim and dark?
Well, I can't ask for every Dane, nor have I indeed conducted a major research project in the matter, but I am going to go ahead and say YES to the first question and BECAUSE nothing brings true friends together than adversity, to the second
That's one explanation anyways.
And being true and authentic is what hygge is all about. Pretence yes, but disloyalty Hell No
When the chips are down, we need to be sure you're with us...
And if that doesn't work - every Scandi knows the best way to avoid reality is reading
You know what they say 'A Book a Day Keeps Reality Away'
It even sounds a bit like Hygge.
And trust me nothing makes a Dane happier than Hygge
And beer
and friends
more beer
Possibly Snaps
Definitely Salty Licorice
And cake
OK cut to the chase: Good company, plenty to drink and eat - job done
wait and colours:)
except on walls. Walls are white. End off