Hello you :)
I know we don't know each other well but I would like to ask for your help all the same.
I know we don't know each other well but I would like to ask for your help all the same.
I am a relative to three people with cancer and I want to try and make a, however small, difference by sharing my love for colourful art.
Anyone who's ever seen a loved one battle cancer knows what it's like to feel helpless. Cancersucks - but loverocks , so I am trying to do something completely new to me...
For the period of Lent, that's until March 24th this year, I have set myself the challenge to raise #cancerawareness by painting lovestones and happy lovebirds and share them via this blog, via Instagram (Sussi.louise) and via Facebook and hopefully getting comments and likes from all continents on planet earth.
... By 'liking' and sharing my post you help me spread hope from the North Pole to the South Pole and from Asia to the Americas. Please put your country in the comment line :)
Let's join hands and make happy art for the period of lent
Let's join hands and make happy art for the period of lent
A shout out for cancer awareness across the countries and planets ... we are not alone. Sufferers, survivors and carers, possibly aliens, I'm open minded (JUST KIDDING).
I am not a magician or a superhero... but I DO have lots of love and I can paint happy pictures.
Will you help me make people smile by sharing this post in your network? It's ok if not. There are lots of causes and charities out there. This is just me. Trying to make sense of life and death. if there is any
Just to be clear, my challenge is not principally about collecting money... It's about awareness, love, hope, art and smiles. If you still want to send money though, I suggest these two charitues:
Støt brysterne. I have made my own "Lovebirds for Lent" collection for the Danish breast cancer foundation, join my #cancertittyfight Support my breast cancer charity collection here:
The second is nothing short of cutting edge: North West Cancer Research NWCA
For the duration I donate my time and skills of lovebird painting on stones and cards :) and all proceeds go to the charities mentioned above
Kærlig hilsen
PS. Do you know anyone in Antarctica?? I'm finding it difficult to get a like from that continent :)